Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Week 2: Question of the Week

What did you learn from keeping your food record last week?


  1. I learned how quickly the little things add up...I used a food journal app and loved it. It was great to see the nutrition totals at the end of each day. I'm still using it!

  2. When I journal it helps me to be accountable and to reach my goal of a balanced meal. Reaching my minimum of fruits and veggies was still a challenge but having it jotted down help me to remember how much more was needed daily. 90% of the week I met my veggie/fruit goal. With my age setting in Journaling is So helpful these days :0).

  3. For me, it helped me recognize the importance of serving size. I also used a food journal app, and it was good for me to learn what an actual serving was. It also helped me realize that dinner is almost always my biggest meal of the day, which is backwards because it gives my body less time to break down all that food before I sleep.

  4. I think it showed me that now that i've started NutriFit that I don't eat as much as I used to.

  5. It helped me control my portion sizes. I also realized how many calories I consume snacking throughout the day. It helped me realize that I need more protein to help me stay full.

  6. I have always watched what I eat for years and have pretty good self control because of it. I did learn however, that I definitely do not eat enough calories/protein in the afternoons. I had to consciously remind myself to eat in the afternoons rather than just wait many hours until dinner time.

  7. I learned....banana and nut butter is my go-to food! It was also easy to see that I do well at getting a lot of veggies and protein... but I get hungry fast when I don't have enough fat.

  8. Definitely how much of the food im really suppose to be eating, portion size a lot smaller meals but more often!

  9. Tracking my food intake was a great exercise. I was able to see how much I was eating of carbs, protein, and fat at each meal/snack; portions of each at each meal/snack; if any portions were too large; track my "treats"; and when I was eating each meal/snack. I think tracking made me avoid treats and junkfood better because I knew I was going to be tracking it (if that makes sense).

  10. I learned that writing my grub down helped me see how to bring things together for a meal to create synergy in my body. I also learned we have a house full of opinions, which are freely vocalized (i.e.: if you add a scoop of Cytomax to H2o it is no longer called H2o, coconut is NOT a fruit, etc.). I think that meeting with a nutritionist several times in the past helped me a lot; but applying it in this exercising it is the key! Thanks, Miki.

    1. LOL! Poor Bryon is in a house dominated by women...and opinions. :-)

  11. At first I learned how little I ate during the day and then I found how easy/quickly I can fill up my caloric intake! This showed how important it is to eat properly. I have never had such a hard time trying to put together meals that not only taste good but are actually more healthy for you. I still like to have a Five Guys burger once in a while....

  12. I learned that my diet has way too much fat in it...and I am working on getting my percentages for protein/carbs/fat to be more what Miki has suggested it should be for losing weight and becoming lean.

  13. I was shocked at how much I was eating before!!

  14. Wow my hole life I have ate way to much. Now I have proof, writing it down make me feel full. I'm not eating anywhere what I was use to. Started at 281 lbs, today 269. Remember that it is just what you are eating and not writing down....

  15. Well, since I joined the challenge late, I can say I'm grateful that vacation eating ends and that challenges are in place to knock me back on track. I have found journaling to be empowering and freeing. I CAN eat a treat on the weekends because I know I didn't waste calories during the week. It keeps me on track so that I can treat myself every now and again.

  16. I agree, Tania, you are all inspiring! I love reading these and hearing your successes; however big or small!

  17. I determined when I am the most hungry and I'm able to balance my proteins better to curb my hunger better. This week has been completely different than last week as I am staying on top of my hunger. It's been great. I've had lots of energy and am able to focus better.

  18. I have been writing down my foods for a while now, but journaling combined with making sure I ate every 3-4 hours was more of a challenge. My busiest times are 7-10am and 2-6pm. I used to have a big breakfast and then forget to eat when running kids around and then eat too much at lunch. Again, forgetting to eat mid-afternoon and coming home starving at night. I was cramming in all my calories in 3 meals and not getting all my water in. These past two weeks I am feeling so much more balanced and in control. It takes planning ahead and taking meals/snacks with me but all worth it.

  19. Accountibility is probably that greatest thing it has taught me. I'm a better planner when I journal my food. I know if I listen to my Jedi Master, Miki, I will be rockin' some booty shorts by summer. Thanks and Amen.

  20. I have learned there are too many Diet Cokes on my food journal!! Im sure you will stop that soon enough :)Also, too much almond butter!!

  21. How much good food it takes to get your daily calories. I also made better choices after looking at the labels. I am going to continue to log my food and get in the habit of making better choice.

  22. I am definitely more of a friut eater. I do eat veggies, I like veggies. However food records show I like fruit more. I also found out eating every 3 hours is too much. I would much rather have 4 hours between meals and snacks.

  23. Keeping track of my food showed me that I eat less food then I thought. Even though I'm eating breakfast lunch and dinner, I feel like I'm eating so much. By adding good healthy snacks between tjose meals and making better choices allows me to eat better food without adding extra calories. I also noticed I was more conscious of what I put in my mouth because I didn't want to have to write it down. I didn't want to have to write it down for other people to see it. There's more accountability.

  24. I basically learned exactly what I eat and how much.

  25. I learned that I need to w atch my serving size. And eat healthy snacks rather than quick calories.

  26. It was helpful to me to measure out my food because I realized I was not eating enough protein at lunchtime. I've added more meat to my salads. So, I'm staying fuller longer.

  27. I learned how important it is to keep track of what you are eating and when you eat it so that you know the amount of each food category you have eaten and how much more you need to eat in order to fuel your body correctly

  28. I noticed that when I'm watching what I eat there's very little variety in my food. I need to look for more options and try to eat more vegetables.

  29. I learned that I need to find ways to eat more vegetables during the day. It's easy at dinner but harder when you're packing food for work.

  30. I love keeping a food journal and find that it helps keep me accountable for me and what I eat. It helps me decide if I want to waste calories on something or not. It also helps me to eat better, nobody wants to see that they eat junk or carbs or sugary foods all day long....and wonder... why did I struggle so bad today w/ energy or that wod? Hmmmmmmm, now ya know. =] Eating good and the proper amount of things is good but also takes work. =]


    I found that keeping track that I go too long without eating during the while at work and then when I get home I over eat. I need to eat more and learn to carry snacks with me in my car while I drive around all day.


  31. I learned that I was eating way too many carbs. I think I was overcompensating for the fact that I was no longer eating treats. Still struggling a bit with that but this weeks protein challenge has helped a lot.

  32. Keeping track for sure helped me get in the necessary fruits and vegetables.

  33. Along with trying to eat every 3-4 hours, keeping track taught me that I'm not eating enough and as frequent as I should.

  34. I learned that food has a lot more calories than I had imagined. It also put I to perspective how much I really eat throughout the day and what I need to do to burn those calories. It was really cool to see what kinds of things I was eating, healthy or not.

  35. Being accountable for what I ate worked for sure. I learned that I was way less likely to pick up that cookie, candy, cake, etc. because I knew I would have to put that down in print!

  36. It's been good to keep me accountable to eat when i need to and recognize what i need to be eating to fuel my body next.

  37. I love treats (i.e., chocolate).

  38. Mel-
    I was happily surprised that I eat a lot of veggies and especially salads--so love them--just have to be careful with the dressing. It seemed like I eat pretty healthy but just too much especially if I go a long time in between eating--it really is true to not let yourself get REALLY hungry and then not have something prepared that is healthy--then it is reach for whatever--not good.


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