Friday, March 15, 2013

FINAL WEEK: Bonus Challenge

Run a 5K
Complete this challenge in any amount of time and you will receive an extra 100 points. 
Must be completed by midnight on Saturday.
Go get 'em!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

FINAL WEEK: Team Challenge: Day 5

Just a reminder to comment on the question of the week as well as sign up for your measurements and FIT Test if you haven't already.  Click here.
                                   A                                      B
2 min. of max double unders.                         singles
TOTAL score = # of double unders completed OR singles divided by 3.  DUs will get to add an    extra 10 points for RXing the A wod, singles will get to add an extra 5.       
If you are competing in the open, you will not need to do anything further this day.  Your teams' scores will be averaged so you don't lose points. If you want to do it you can, but you do not have to.
1 minute rest
5 min. AMRAP
40 sit-ups
30 Russian twists     35/25                                  25/18
20 Flutter kicks        90 degree                           wimpy ones
10 plank push-ups:  stay on toes                          knees
     up hand, hand, down elbow elbow      
5 Knees to Elbow      No box                               box
TOTAL score = 105 each round + 10 for A WOD or + 5 for B WOD
1 minute rest

1 min. max box jumps     24/18                        step-ups 24/18
TOTAL score = number of box jumps + 10 for A WOD or + 5 for B WOD
Saturday's WOD will be for bonus points and will be posted tomorrow afternoon.  You will not lose any points for not completing the WOD; however, if you or your team is in the running for a top spot, I would recommend you do your best to complete that wod too.  :)


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

FINAL WEEK: Team Challenge: Day 4

"I may not be the strongest.  I may not be the fastest.
But, I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest!"
800m run for time:  20 points for completing, top fastest 5 times will get +5 bonus points
Maximum calorie on 3 min. row:  Points = calories burned
3 min AMRAP: 
10 weighted sit-ups 35/25
10 lunges (no weight, any kind: walking, in place, reverse, jumping)
TOTAL points per round:  20
You may add an extra 10 points to your score for RXing the A WOD
...only 3 more days!!!

FINAL WEEK: Question of the Week

We are now going on two weeks of no starch after lunch. 
What is your favorite starch-free snack?
How have you replaced starch with your dinners?
For some of you, you may be more sensitive to starch than others.  This may be exactly what your body needs to continue to change.  For others, starch isn't as big of an issue.  So just a little reminder that when this challenge ends, don't let the pendulum swing the other way and go crazy with starch...keep your portions in check.  Continue to fill up on veggies and lean protein with a good, healthy starch "on the side."  

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

FINAL Week: Team Challenge: Day 3

"It's supposed to be hard.   
If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. 
It's the hard that makes it great." 
A League of Their Own


10 minute time cap

                                      A                   B
   Thrusters                 95/65             65/45
    Pull-ups                                         band

    Deadlifts               225/155          185/115
    Handstand Push-ups                     using box or mats

    Clean                       135/95            95/65
    Ring Dips                                        band

You will complete one girl wod at a time.  When you have completed Fran 7-5-3, then you move onto Diane, etc.

Each girl wod is worth 30 points.  If you complete all 3 girls, then record the time left on the clock.  For this wod only, you will get an extra 10 points per girl name you A-RX and an extra 5 points per girl wod you B-RX. 

Remember, it's the "hard" that not only makes you great, but also changes your body!


Monday, March 11, 2013

FINAL WEEK: Team Challenge: Day 2

6 min AMRAP
Start with 2 min. plank, then do as many rounds as possible with the remaining 4 minutes of:
                           A                                B
5 push-up      N/S                           knees
5 pull-up    kip/butterfly                 band
10 sit-up  
TOTAL per round:  20 + 120 for plank
2 min. rest
Clock will count down from 2 minutes, keep a running total:
                                                                     A                  B
Max kettlebell swings in 30 seconds   35/25              35/25
Max kettlebell swings in 30 seconds   45/35              45/35
Max kettlebell swings in 30 seconds   70/53           hold kettlebell
(can be Russian or shoulder height)
Max Russian twists in 30 seconds       53/35              45/25
SCORE is your running total of reps for these 2 minutes.
Plank:  You can break this plank up however you would like, but if you put a knee down to reposition yourself, that will be points deducted for however many seconds you are down.
Kettlebell Swings:  If you don't feel comfortable doing swings with the 70/53 weight, then go ahead and hold the kettlebell for those 30 seconds.  You won't get points towards reps, but you will still get +10 for Rx-ing the B WOD as long as you do not drop the weight to the floor.  If you are doing A WOD, you may drop the weight if you want to rest.
Reminder that you get +20 points for RXing the A WOD and +10 points for RXing the B WOD.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 9: Results

Top Teams for the Week, IN ORDER
The Lunachicks
Mean Girls
Fight Gone Five
Diamonds in the Sky
(a total of 5 points separates these top 4 teams!)
Beauties & the Beast
Barbell Bouncers
Almost every single member of these top 6 teams did the extra 5K a Day Challenge!!  AMAZING!!

FINAL WEEK: Team Challenge: Day 1

10-Minute Challenge Mash-Up
That's right people, it's true...10 minutes a day, that's it!
Here's how it's going to work:
Every night by 7pm, the 10-minute challenge for the next day will be posted. 
These challenges will be done IN ADDITION to the daily WOD on the board.
If you choose to take a rest day, that's fine, you will simply miss out on the points that day.
The points vary from day to day depending on the wod.
We are mindful of those NutriFitters who are also participating in the Open and that will be taken into consideration as we move through the week.
Keep track of your score for each day, not a running total.  Scores can be reported every night or at the end of the week. 
There will be an A and B wod option. 
If you RX the A WOD = +20 points to your score.
If you RX the B WOD = +10 points to your score.
If you modify the B WOD in any way, then you earn 1/2 points.
These 10-minute challenge WODs will be done IN ADDITION to the regular wod for the day.
When the Team Captain reports the scores, whether at the end of each day or at the end of the week, please note which WODs were RX'd as A or B and if they were modified, please write how it was modified.
So....without further is Monday's WOD:
5 min AMRAP
                                               A                 B
8 Ground to Overhead   135/95          95/65
12 Box Jumps                  24/18          24/18 (step ups allowed)
TOTAL per round:  20
2 min rest
5 min AMRAP
Start with 1 minute plank.  After completing the 1 minute plank,
complete AMRAP with the remaining time:
10 overhead wall ball sit-ups  20/14    14/10
20 flutter kicks                A =as written below  B= any other variation
TOTAL per round:  30 + 60 for plank (if you stayed up the entire minute, if not then subtract the number of seconds you dropped)
Your score for the day will be your total number of reps for both AMRAPS plus any extra points for RX or doing A wod.  If you modify the B wod in anyway, you will need to do 1/2 points.
Ground to Overhead:  Click the link to remember all your options.  
You will only plank once. 
Plank: will be on elbows, arms uncrossed, palms of hands on floor.  No teepee bum or saggy back.
Overhead Wall Ball Sit-ups:  Ball must touch floor over your head each time before sitting up and throwing against wall.
Flutter Kicks: Hands may be placed under the small of your back.  Each kick counts as a rep.  One leg must come down to within 6 inches of the floor while the other leg stays perpendicular to the floor...staying as close as possible to a 90 degree angle.  Iron Maiden may have a protractor on hand to check.  (kidding...)  We don't want these to be small flutter kicks...these are BIG flutter kicks.  :)
Here are a couple of examples:
Buff Betty 
1.  First AMRAP:  4 complete rounds RXing WOD A. 
20 reps per round x 4 = 80 points + 20 for RX (A) = 100
2.  Second AMRAP: Perfect plank.  6 complete rounds
30 reps per round x 6 = 180 + 60 for plank + 20 for RX (A) = 260
Buff Betty would report 360 for Monday.
Bad Knee Nancy
1.  First AMRAP:  2 complete rounds + 8 G2O RXing WOD B
20 reps per round x 2 = 40 + 8 = 48 points + 10 for RX (B) = 58
2.  Second AMRAP:  Good plank.  Rested for 10 seconds.  4 rounds + 10 sit-ups RXing WOD A
30 reps per round x 4 = 120 + 10 sit-ups =130 +50 for plank + 20 for RX (A) = 150
Bad Knee Nancy would report 258 for Monday.
Improving Ivan
1.  First AMRAP:  6 complete rounds using 55 pounds.
20 reps per round x 6 = 120 points/2 for modifying more = 60 points.
2.  Second AMRAP:  Perfect Plank.  4 complete rounds RXing WOD B (14 lb. ball + smaller flutter kicks)
30 reps per round x 4 = 120 points + 60 for plank + 10 for RX (B) = 190
Improving Ivan would report 190 for Monday.
Q: If we miss a day, can we make-up 2 in 1 day?
A: Yes. They must be done back to back with no more than 5 minutes rest between them.
Q:  Can I do B on the first AMRAP and then A on the second AMRAP?
A:  Yes.
Q: Is there anything we can do to make-up the points lost if we can't RX the A WOD?
A: Just go as hard and fast as you can with the B WOD or even modifying at 1/2 points. Just do the very best you can do...that's all we want. There may be a bonus option later in the week that will allow for more points. But even if there isn't, let me emphasize that this entire challenge will not be won or lost on points alone. It plays a large part, but many other things will be taken into consideration, i.e. body fat percent, weight lost (if that's your goal), improvements to your FIT Test, improvements to your pictures, improvements on your measurments, etc.
Q: It seems like you can do a 15 lb. bar and a 12 inch box and get a million??
Even if you cut it in half?
A: LOL! Maximum effort is what you are going for here, not how best to work the system. I do realize that strategy will come into play and if that is what you want to do, that is fine.  When I collect scores, I will have the Team Captain make sure it is clearly written who got an RX for A or B and if it was it was modified.  Will it affect points?  No.  Are points the only thing that matters?  Refer to question above.  Catch my drift??
Other Questions?


It's coming people.  Patience.  :)