Friday, February 15, 2013

Week 7: Individual Challenge


This challenge has 2 parts:
1.  You will need to create a weekly menu where you plan your meals and snacks for the week and then grocery shop from this plan.  You don't HAVE to eat exactly what you have planned for that specific day, if you want to eat Wednesday's dinner on Monday, that's just fine.  The point is to have all your food readily accessible.  If you normally do not plan the food in your house, you will need to play an active role in doing so this week in order to earn your points. 
Part 1 of this challenge is worth 10 points. 

2.  No dining out.  Period. 
Use that insulated lunch bag or small cooler to make sure you are prepared for your day.
Part 2 of this challenge is worth 10 points. 
Total points possible for this individual challenge is 20 points. 
It begins Monday and goes through Saturday.
If you have any questions, leave them in the comments section and I will reply.


  1. I love this! Warner definitely struggles with this one but is going to do it this week with me....we will see :)

    1. You married a good man who deserves an award at the end of all this for being the "Most Supportive Spouse." I'll work on a trophy or something. :)

  2. I love this challenge too. It will make me a better mom & wife (for this week). Laura, we will do wings at one of our houses this week. That will make it easier for Warner.

    1. I definitely think a neighborhood potluck is in order...homemade food but it feels like you went out to dinner! Count us in!!

  3. I think it is a great challenge but as a person who travels for work it is not reality. I also have to take customers to lunch on a daily basis. I guess I could pull out the camp stove and cook for them on my tailgate. (LOL) I hate losing 20 points on a challenge because I have a job that will not allow this (Little house on the prairie life style)LOL NOT.

    1. Kuder,

      I do realize there are going to be those people who simply cannot make this happen. I'm sorry. I'm not tryint to single you out or make it impossible for you to earn these points. I'm sure your customers would love a little breakfast hash off your tailgate. :) You can still earn 10 of the 20 points by planning your week...even if that means writing in your lunch spaces "taking so-and-so out to lunch." If there is anyway at all to make it work and brown bag it for the week, do it.

  4. Does this include Starbucks? Because Mama Terry will definitely lose points for that

    1. Take it easy daughter. I don't know why you are singling me out like this rude. I can control that. But good question. Does it count if you order a drink out as eating out?

    2. Hmmm, normally I'd ask you on a question like this. What do you think Mama Terry?

    3. I love you Maiden but Kylee might be right on this one ;)

    4. I dont think drinks should count. Give us drinkers a break!!

    5. Ok drinker, (didn't know that about you) with that being said to Miki! =]

    6. Drinks will not count, but any food that is not from home will veto your points for the week. You're welcome!

  5. What if we plan to eat out every meal? Do we get the the points for part 1, but not part 2?

    1. Seriously, every. single. meal?

    2. Tom, the real answer is no. You won't get the first 10 points either. The whole point of the challenge is to plan meals and snacks to be eaten at home or taken with you to work. That does, in fact, take time and effort to plan the week and grocery shop so you are prepared. I don't think it would be fair for someone to earn 10 points just by saying they plan to eat out for every meal. Kapeesh?

  6. Finally an easy one! We love planned menus and home made cooking! Italian, Chinese, pub food, Mexican & BBQ are all on the menu for this week. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Miki. We got this!

    Bryon & his household diners!

  7. YES! After last weeks challenge...we so needed this. Piece of cake ( oh, I mean piece of chicken with rice from dinner last night ). I also love the fact that the kids can't eat school lunch (they need a "challenge " after last weeks easy challenge for them). Not that I desire them to lose points, but everyone needs a hard challenge every now and then. Love ya kids!

  8. YES! After last weeks challenge...we so needed this. Piece of cake ( oh, I mean piece of chicken with rice from dinner last night ). I also love the fact that the kids can't eat school lunch (they need a "challenge " after last weeks easy challenge for them). Not that I desire them to lose points, but everyone needs a hard challenge every now and then. Love ya kids!

  9. i can't believe school lunch counts as "eating out". if the food at restaurants tasted the same as school food nobody would eat out. ever.

    1. Bahahahaha! You've got a point Maya. Which makes me wonder why you would want school lunch instead of yummy food from your own house? It's all about taking the time to eat healthier...not only does school lunch taste bad but it's not that good for you either.


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