Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week 4: Team Challenge & Bonus

3 minutes of plank per day per person

You can break this up however you would like.  You can do it like the FIT Test and do normal plank, then lift one leg off, then the other leg, side plank, etc.  You can do it all at once, you can do 1 minute holds 3 times, you can do it in 20 second increments, you can do it for 30 seconds each time you eat throughout the day, etc.  Whatever YOU need to work on to improve and strengthen your core, that's what you should do.  Just remember to make sure you have good form (see pic above) while you are doing it.  It does no good to practice 3 minutes of plank with teepee bum in the air. 
In honor of our plank week, each person that submits a "planking picture," you will be awarded an ADDITIONAL 5 points for the week.  You can post your pictures to CFSV's facebook page or you may email/text them to me.  The person who has the best planking picture out of all the other submissions will receive ANOTHER ADDITIONAL 5 points for the week for a grand total of 10 extra bonus creativity and humor matter.  :)
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, here is the definition of "planking" from wikipedia: 
Planking is an activity consisting of lying face down--sometimes in an unusual or incongruous location.  Both hands must touch the side of the body.
And since pictures are worth 1000 words, here are a few examples courtesy of Google images:
I guess technically he is not following the definition since his hands are not touching his sides, but I thought our cyclists in this group would appreciate this

Not sure if this guy is purposely planking or if he died while on the treadmill...
hopefully the former.
Anyone going to Rome this week?
You get the idea, right?
Q:  What on earth does this have to do with the NutriFit Challenge?
A:  Um...not much...but who doesn't love a good laugh? 
Q:  Could we do tebowing instead of planking?
A: No, smart alec. :) 
Maybe we'll do tebowing when we have a lunge challenge, thanks for the suggestion.


  1. Can we submit several pics or only one?

    1. Lacie,

      You may submit as many as you would like. You only get 5 points no matter how many submit, but I guess it would increase your chances of winning the second 5 bonus points if there are more to choose from. :)

  2. I am assuming this has to be a picture of us planking, not one we find on the internet?

    1. Yes, it's of you, not one from the internet.


NutriFit Participants: If you don't have an account with any of the forms listed, please click on "Name/URL" and add your name there.