Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Week 4: Question of the Week

What is your CrossFit kryptonite?
What is the one movement that prevents you from Rx-ing every time?
What are you doing to get better at it?
Guess I need to re-name this title "QuestionS of the Week."  :)
For me, it's ring dips... 
and air squats. 
Yes, I can do air squats, but I was born with the shortest achilles tendons known to man which prevent me from having great form.  Because I struggle with such a foundational movement, I have a hard time with heavy weight when it comes to squats, which is a whole lotta movements in CrossFit.
So, that's my goal this, work, work to get a better air squat which hopefully will help improve all that other stuff.  


  1. Really heavy weights! Or tons of pistols...

  2. Heavy weights! To help me get stronger...I have started going to Crossfit 6 days a week (haha) but seriously I push myself more now than I have in a long time and it has actually helped me get stronger mentally and physically.

  3. Pullups for sure but ill get there eventually when I first started I had to do box jumps now im doing bands!!! Also double unders but im determine to kill those.

  4. Definitely pull-ups and anything on the bar. I think one of the best things for me to do is loose weight and maybe work on my kip (Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming swimming :))

  5. Pull ups! I don't ever remember being able to do them as a kid in gym class either. Kinda sad, I know! I just haven't ever had enough upper body strength but I'm determined to get better!!!

  6. Handstand push-ups, ring dips with my getting stronger shoulder, bar muscle ups and muscle ups, pistols and really really heavy weight, overhead squats.

  7. Pull ups!! UGH!!!! I hate them and they hate me!!! I keep working on them!!!! Box Jumps!! I know that is a mind game!!! Too many run ins with the box!!!:)

  8. Definitely pistols...I don't know what I'm doing wrong except weak quad, so don't know what to work on to improve it. Oh and also muscle ups and butterfly pullups.....practice, practice, practice.

  9. Ring dips, handstand pushups, and muscle ups. I'm hoping the weight loss challenge(s) will help.

  10. Ring dips for sure. I also would love to get muscle ups but I hate them so I don't practice. Hum..maybe thats why I cant do them.

  11. Box jumps and pull ups. I read that pull-ups are primarily an exercise for your back muscles..lats. So I have been trying to strengthen those, but it also said that you use your biceps, forearms, and core to help ( that all?) So I have alot of things to strengthen in 5 weeks. :(

  12. Double Unders. I HATE THEM! but I keep attempting them. hah.

  13. It might be easier to say what I can do! :) I can run and row fairly well....everything else is my Kryptonite! Especially heavy weights, pull-ups, squats, etc., etc. I just try my best and keep trying to up the weight slightly each time and use less resistant bands. Hopefully, I'll get there some day...if not, I can still run and row. 8-)

  14. I'm glad I got on to read other people's comments! Mine didn't post! Darn smart phone.

    My kryptonite is upper body strength or rather the lack of it. Pull ups, hand stand pushups, pushups....they're all difficult for me. But when I went through my on ramp with Sara, I remember her saying that I should always be pushing myself, it should always be difficult. If something gets too easy, set a new goal and make it difficult again. This is how we progress, this is CF. I took it to heart and I try to realistically push hard so I can improve and set my bar higher. Second, I try to eat so that my body can refuel and get stronger. No point in beating up the girl if I'm not gonna give her the fuel she needs! Thanks Miki, she finally got me in the habbit of fueling for my work out.

  15. HM... muscle ups. I've been working on ring dips and the transition....One of these days it will click!! ALLlsssooo... heavy squating. When I started crossfit I would always get stuck at the bottom of my squat! I dont think I had been squatting low enough when I did machines/whatever other squatting stuff I did in the gym. It's gotten SO much better but def not where I want to be!

  16. Everything... ha ha, just kidding. There's a lot of movements that I need to work on. I need to work on the really hard stuff like ring dips and muscle ups and handstand push ups.. then I need to work on my form for regular push ups. I think my biggest feat is laziness though. If i pushed myself hard enough and devoted a little more time to work on these things, I don't think they'd be so hard for me. Overhead squats also kill me. I don't have very good form.

  17. Where does a goof ball like me even begin to start? Handstand Push ups, Ring Dips and Rope Climbs will forever be my kryptonite.

  18. i would say ring dips, muscle ups, handstand push ups. I have started working on them by losing weight and trying to get stronger.

  19. I have A LOT of "kryptonites"! Box jumps, double unders, pull ups, overhead squats... Don't even get me started on the things I have never attempted (rope climbs, hand stand push ups) However, my goal is to focus on the positive this year and what I can do now that I couldn't do before. I will keep lifting heavier and taking it as it comes, getting stronger and mentally tougher as I go.

  20. Anything with weights, especially squats, ring dips, and HSPU. I do try and up the weight whenenver I can. It used to frustrate me but now I am happy with finishing any wod!

  21. Pistols and muscle ups. I started using the band's to help me master pistols. I could tell an immediate difference in the way me body felt after using the bands to correct my form. I started doing 10 per leg each day to help me get better. Muscle ups just plain piss me off
    ;). I can use a band for assistance but always seem to walk awsy bruised and extremely fatigue.
    I would imagine that when I am able to participate in a wod again I will feel like I am starting from square one on a number of movements. So I guess my goal for this year is to learn patience and listen to my body. Knowing that being cautious isn't because I am afraid of getting hurt again but rather knowing the fear comes from not being able to any of it at all.

  22. Ring dips, muscle ups, and pistols are movements that prevent me from Rx-ing every time. I still struggle with double-unders. And I struggle with snatches when the weight is heavy. There are many movements that I can always work on. I need to devote the time and practice.

  23. Oh snap, where to start? RX'n is my weakness. It's been too long for this bod to rise n acheive those crafted WOD's. I have to lighten weights or use 2-3 bands to even come close to the "C" wod. I do see progress so I am sticking to it. I really appreciate the encouragement and vibe of my X-fit family.

  24. There are many things that I cannot RX on, but my kryptonite is definitely overhead squats. If those are on the board, I wanna puke before we even get started. Actually, I am severely challenged with anything that has a squat movement in it. I try to use enough weight to push myself but not so much that I can't get back up. I also keep in mind where I was when I started Crossfit and how far I have come. I'm proud that after 2 1/2 years, I'm still showing up!

  25. Double unders. I was the best jump roper in all the 4th grade! Today... not so much! Practice, practice, practice... it will come back to me eventually.

  26. The weights get me sometimes and so do HSPU!! HSPU kill me!

  27. Double unders, heavy weight HSPU and Pistols to start.

  28. muscle ups and ring dips for sure. I think I could cross fit for 10 years and not be able to do those. And I'm okay with it.

  29. Muscle ups for me. Although I can do one it's a huge struggle and doing multiple one during a wod is near impossible.

  30. Mike
    CrossFit is my kryptonite. LOL My weakness is pistols but doing the NutriFit challenge with more than I want to count box jumps and step ups will help me improve my ability to get better.

    I have a lot of weaknesses but my biggest is MU and ring dips. I continue to work on them by practicing them w/ modifications and continuing to get stronger

  31. I have tons of kryptonite! Where to start...pistols, pull-ups, push-ups, plank, snatches, and OHS. See previous sentence for movement(s) that keep me from RXing. I definitely feel like I have gotten better since I first started Crossfit, and I will continue to practice these movements to keep getting better. Mel gave me some good advice on how to move down on bands with pull-ups...I need to start wearing the weighted vests. Practice makes perfect.

  32. Ah... ring muscle ups! Can't seem to get the right kipping and pulling movement at the same time.

  33. Overhead squats, box jumps,anything that involves hanging from a bar. I doubt that I will see an RX next to my name again.

  34. Pullups. I have to figure out how to kip properly!


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