Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week 5: Team Challenge

Hop, Skip & Jump

 2000 Singles
800 Side to Side
800 Forward & Back
800 Running on the Spot
800 Scissors
800 High Knees
800 Butt Kicks
800 One Foot Hops (if you prefer doing Two at a Time, that's fine)
You may break up these movements however you would like amongst your team members; HOWEVER...
each team member MUST complete 500 singles and 200 DUs. (keep reading)
Here is a video that shows all the movements:
(all the ones we will be doing are shown by 1:30)
I truly believe that one of the best ways to get your DUs is to become very comfortable with the jumprope.  These various exercises will help you do that. 
Anytime your foot or feet hit the ground and you jump the rope, that counts as a rep. 
Feel free to use jumproping as part of your daily warm-up before wods.
On Tuesday, there will be time set aside for jumprope as "skill work." 
That will count towards this challenge.
Now, for the double unders.  I think this is a really good video showing some of the problems with DUs as well as a good progression:
(BTW, does this guy remind anyone else of Napoleon Dynomite?)
So, if you currently cannot do any double unders, you will receive your DU credit by doing
200 jump, jump, bigger jumps
like the video shows. 
If you can do a few double unders but have a hard time stringing them together, you will receive your DU credit by doing
200 jump, jump, DU
For those of you who are pretty good at getting them and are somewhat comfortable with DU, you will receive your DU credit by setting a goal for
stringing your DU together.
For example, if I can do 3 DU in a row before I get tripped up.  Set a goal for 5 or 7.
Do 40 sets of 5 or 28 sets of 7.  If you get tripped up before getting to your goal, those DU don't count.  Make a goal that you truly will have to work towards completing.
For those of you who are very proficient at DU, do at least 4 sets of 50 or 2 sets of 100 before stopping.
The whole point this week is to move you forward in your progress to achieving and perfecting your double unders.
5-Member Team
2500 Singles
1000 Side to Side
1000 Forward & Back
1000 Running on the Spot
1000 Scissors
1000 High Knees
1000 Butt Kicks
1000 One Foot Hops
3-Member Team
1500 Singles
600 Side to Side
600 Forward & Back
600 Running on the Spot
600 Scissors
600 High Knees
600 Butt Kicks
600 One Foot Hops
And, one last video by Chris Spealler with his explanation of how to do double unders.
Happy Jumping!

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure Tim Elison is jumping up and down with joy right now. I'm putting on two extra sports bras. Thanks ya


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