Sunday, January 20, 2013

Week 3: Individual Challenge

Optimize in 45
To earn your extra 10 points for the individual challenge this week, every time you workout you must refuel your body within 45 minutes.  That means, once your workout is over, the clock begins. 
Research shows that you have a 30-45 minute window where the enzymes and hormones in your muscles are at their peak to help in the process of replenishing and restoring all of the glycogen, or stored energy, your muscles just burned through during that last workout. 
If you miss this window, your muscles will be fatigued when you go to workout again.
With all the wods and exercise on this NutriFit challenge, your muscles cannot afford to be running on empty. 
So, what should you eat?  Protein, right?  Yes, but you actually need more carbohydrate than protein immediately following your workout.  Research shows the ideal ratio post workout is 3-4:1 (carbs:protein). You actually need to be taking in more carbohydrate than protein immediately following your workout.  Why?  Carbohydrate will help in replenishing the glycogen that is stored in your muscles and the protein will help in the repair and recovery of your muscle fibers.  Carbohydrate can be in the form of fruit or starch (cereal, oatmeal, bread, rice, etc) or milk/yogurt.  If you have more protein and not enough carbs, your muscles may be repaired, but they won't have any 'umph' for your next workout.
So, what is that ratio?  Here are some options:
1 cup skim or 1% chocolate milk
1/2 scoop whey protein + 1/2 cup OJ + 1/2 banana
1 scoop whey protein + 1 cup OJ + 1 banana
1 cup cooked oatmeal + 1 cup milk
1 cup cereal + 1 fruit + 1 cup milk
1 egg + 1 slice whole wheat toast + 1 fruit
1 English muffin + 2 Tbsp peanut butter
3 oz. lean meat + 1 cup brown rice + 1 cup cooked veggies + 1 small whole grain roll
Here is one of my favorite post-workout smoothies:
Chocolate PB Delight
1 scoop chocolate protein powder
2 Tbsp PB2
1/4 cup raw oatmeal
3/4 cup lowfat vanilla yogurt or Greek yogurt
1 banana (preferrably frozen)
1-2 cups spinach
Milk to your desired consistency
Add ice if the banana is not frozen
Blend and enjoy! 
(This typically makes 2 servings) later than 45 minutes post-workout!


  1. Only problem I see with this is sometimes my schedule is such that I can't get to working out till 8 or 9 pm.....and we can't eat after 9.... Can there be an exception in this case that we can have a protien drink after 9 if it is after a workout?

    1. Yes Dianne. Just make sure it is a small serving, something like 1 cup of chocolate milk or a yogurt with fruit. You want to replenish glycogen, but not take in a whole bunch of calories at night.

  2. I really can't tell you how big of a difference this has made for me since I implemented this 2 weeks ago. I actually recover from my workouts now. I would sometimes get headaches on my way home and didn't know what had caused them (no Warner it wasn't my 3 kids). I haven't had a WOD induced headache since I've started drinking my chocolate milk on my way home from the box. Thanks Miki!!!

    1. Love it Linds! And LOL to the Warner comment. :)

  3. Thanks for the after WOD food ideas. I always have the same thing after workouts and it is starting to get a little old.
    Challenge Peeps: If you have any other great post wod snack ideas, post them.


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