Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Week 3: Surprise Update

Because the gym is going to be closed Saturday, we are going to extend the TEAM CHALLENGE deadline until next Tuesday.  You have until Tuesday, January 29th to complete your step-ups and kettle bell swings. 
You're welcome. 
p.s.  You guys are AMAZING!!


  1. So will all team points still be due on Sunday? And will we still have the weeks start date as Sunday or now Tuesday?

    1. Tania,

      Good question. Points will still be due on Sunday and Sunday will stay the week's start date. You will still get your next Team Challenge on Sunday. This week's max points will be 267 and next week's will be 287 (2 team challenge points included).

  2. So excited to come in on Monday and see the new gym look. How exciting!

  3. Thank you. I still have 150 step ups to go. :]


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