Thursday, March 14, 2013

FINAL WEEK: Team Challenge: Day 5

Just a reminder to comment on the question of the week as well as sign up for your measurements and FIT Test if you haven't already.  Click here.
                                   A                                      B
2 min. of max double unders.                         singles
TOTAL score = # of double unders completed OR singles divided by 3.  DUs will get to add an    extra 10 points for RXing the A wod, singles will get to add an extra 5.       
If you are competing in the open, you will not need to do anything further this day.  Your teams' scores will be averaged so you don't lose points. If you want to do it you can, but you do not have to.
1 minute rest
5 min. AMRAP
40 sit-ups
30 Russian twists     35/25                                  25/18
20 Flutter kicks        90 degree                           wimpy ones
10 plank push-ups:  stay on toes                          knees
     up hand, hand, down elbow elbow      
5 Knees to Elbow      No box                               box
TOTAL score = 105 each round + 10 for A WOD or + 5 for B WOD
1 minute rest

1 min. max box jumps     24/18                        step-ups 24/18
TOTAL score = number of box jumps + 10 for A WOD or + 5 for B WOD
Saturday's WOD will be for bonus points and will be posted tomorrow afternoon.  You will not lose any points for not completing the WOD; however, if you or your team is in the running for a top spot, I would recommend you do your best to complete that wod too.  :)


1 comment:

  1. The additional WODs look fun and work areas I could get tighten up! How could we not want to do that :0). Thanks for a Great Butt Kicking 10 weeks Miki and Staff :0). Can't wait to try the Spring challenge,


NutriFit Participants: If you don't have an account with any of the forms listed, please click on "Name/URL" and add your name there.