Thursday, January 17, 2013

Props to Maya!

Just want to give a shout out to Miss Maya Dangerfield, the only 12-year-old participant in our NutriFit challenge who was at the 5am TEAM WOD this morning!  You are AMAZING!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Week 2: Team WOD


Week 2: Team Challenge

It's Core Week!
1000 Sit-Ups
1000 Russian Twists 45/25
1000 Flutter Kicks
500 Overhead Wall Ball Sit-Ups 20/14
48 Minutes of Plank
Okay, now for the details:
You may split these up however you would like, but to earn that extra 10 points, your team must have completed them all by the end of the week.

Details on 48 minutes of plank:
Half the time needs to be regular plank, on elbows and the other half needs to be side plank (see pic below).

For example, 48 minutes/4 team members/ 6 days each week = 2 minutes per day
1 minute regular plank + 30 seconds side plank + 30 seconds other side plank = 2 minutes

If you cannot hold plank that long, drop to your knees.  Try to stay up on toes a little longer each day.  If you have to drop completely and rest, stop the clock.  Only count the time that you are holding plank (toes or knees). 

If you aren't sure what flutter kicks are, watch this short video below. 
Each time either leg kicks that counts as a rep.
Overhead Wall Ball Sit-Ups:  the ball needs to go over your head when your back is on the ground, then stay overhead as you throw it at the wall.
No, you may not use weights to hold your feet on the regular sit-ups, but thanks for asking. If you want to try to improve your FIT Test numbers, I suggest setting the clock for a minute and seeing how many reps you can do in 1 minute.
If you have a 3-member team:
750 Sit-Ups
750 Russian Twists 45/25
750 Flutter Kicks
375 Overhead Wall Ball Sit-Ups 20/14
 36 Minutes of Plank

If you have a 5-member team:
1250 Sit-Ups
1250 Russian Twists 45/25
1250 Flutter Kicks
625 Overhead Wall Ball Sit-Ups 20/14
 60 Minutes of Plank

3, 2, 1...GO!

Week 2: Individual Challenge

Include protein each time you eat.
You want your blood sugar to stay stable.  There are a couple of things you can do to keep it stable. 
The first thing you have already been doing, eating every 3-4 hours (or earlier). 
The second thing is to include protein each time you eat. 

The blue line is what happens to your blood sugar when you either (1) go long periods of time without eating and/or (2) eat carbohydrate without protein.  I call this blue line "roller coaster" blood sugar. 
What's the problem with roller coaster blood sugar?
When you eat just carbohydrate, whether it's starch or fruit or treats, without protein, it causes a sharp rise in your blood sugar.  This signals the pancreas to release a large amount of insulin as a means to help your blood sugar return to a normal level.  Because of that large rush of insulin, your blood sugar can drop too fast causing you to be hungry again much faster. 
But what's even worse is that large rush of insulin actually helps your body store more fat.  Who wants that?!?  You have to stop the roller coaster blood sugar.  We just want that nice orange line of small peaks and valleys that happen consistently throughout the day.  When you include protein each time you eat, protein slows that rise in your blood sugar preventing that large rush of insulin and releasing a smaller amount over a longer period which will help you stay full longer and stop the rush for fat storage. 
So, while an apple is a healthy snack, it is only carbohydrate.  Instead of eating it alone, pair it with a protein:  a cheese stick, a small handful of nuts, or a couple tablespoons of peanut butter.
Other examples of protein include:
any kind of meat, chicken, turkey, or fish
protein powder
nuts or nut butter
cottage cheese
cheese (in moderation)
protein bar
My hope with these individual challenges is that you will use them to build on one another.  So, while you will not get points this week for keeping a food record, I would counsel you to continue to do so, in order to maximize your results in the end. 
To receive your 10 points for this individual challenge, starting tomorrow you will need to include a source of protein each time you eat.  Feel free to leave a comment on this post with some of your favorite snack combinations. Here are a few of mine:
berries & yogurt
carrots/celery & hummus
apple & peanut butter
tomatoes & cottage cheese

Week 1: Results

Top 4 Teams for Week 1 (in no particular order)
The Lunachicks
Mean Girls
Beauties & The Beast
Fight Gone Five
Only 2 points separate these 4 teams, and there are a few more hot on their tails.
Keep up the great work!