Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Week 4: Question of the Week

What is your CrossFit kryptonite?
What is the one movement that prevents you from Rx-ing every time?
What are you doing to get better at it?
Guess I need to re-name this title "QuestionS of the Week."  :)
For me, it's ring dips... 
and air squats. 
Yes, I can do air squats, but I was born with the shortest achilles tendons known to man which prevent me from having great form.  Because I struggle with such a foundational movement, I have a hard time with heavy weight when it comes to squats, which is a whole lotta movements in CrossFit.
So, that's my goal this, work, work to get a better air squat which hopefully will help improve all that other stuff.  

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week 5: Upcoming Measurements/FIT Test

I will be doing measurements/weight/body fat percentage for Week 5 which is next week, the week of February 3rd.  I will be at the gym 4 different times to do measurements and do the FIT Test. Hopefully, you can all make it to one of these 4 times, if not, please let me know and I will try to work something out.
Tuesday, February 5th
10am-noon (FIT Test at 10:30am)
6pm-7:45 (FIT Test at 6:30pm)
Thursday, February 7th
3:30pm-5 (FIT Test at 4pm)
Saturday, February 9th
9am-11am (FIT Test at 10am)
We will start the FIT Test at the designated time and have half of the attendees be counters while the other have do the test and then we will switch. 

If you would like to schedule a set time (within the times listed) to be measured, please visit this click here and sign up for a free spot.  If they are all filled, let me know and I'll see if I can come earlier or stay later.  Thanks!


Week 3: Results

Top 5 Teams for Week 3 (in no particular order)
Diamonds in the Sky
The Lunachicks
Fight Gone Five
Mean Girls
Beauties & The Beast

Week 4: TEAM WOD


Week 4: Individual Challenge

Get at least 7 hours of sleep every night

Week 4: Team Challenge & Bonus

3 minutes of plank per day per person