Saturday, June 1, 2013

Week 5: Individual Challenge


This challenge has 2 parts:
1.  You will need to create a weekly menu where you plan your meals and snacks for the week and then grocery shop from this plan.  You don't HAVE to eat exactly what you have planned for that specific day, if you want to eat Wednesday's dinner on Monday, that's just fine.  The point is to have all your food readily accessible.  If you normally do not plan the food in your house, you will need to play an active role in doing so this week in order to earn your points. 
Part 1 of this challenge is worth 10 points. 

2.  No dining out.
Use that insulated lunch bag or small cooler to make sure you are prepared for your day.
If you can go the entire week without dining out, you will earn 25 points making the entire challenge worth 35 points.   
If you eat out once, then you can only earn 10 of the 25 points for part 2.
If you eat out twice, then you can earn 5 of the 25 points for part 2.
If you eat out more than two times, you do not earn any of the 25 points for part 2.

It begins Monday and goes through Saturday.
 Drinks will not count against you.
If you have any questions, leave them in the comments section and I will reply.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Week 4: Question of the Week

You know those WODs that are really tough?  (Uh..all of them?)  I mean, the ones that really get you...whether it's the movement, the reps, the rounds, the weight, the benchmarks, the heroes...whatever it do you get through it?  How do you mentally win?  How do you push yourself to give it all you've got when mentally you don't think you have anything left?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Week 3: Results

Top Teams:
Perfect Points + Bonus (325 each):
  • Foxes & The Hound
  • Dashing Divas
Close Behind (300 avg or better)
  • WOD Quad
  •  Fat & The Furious
  •  Kickin' Asphalt
  • The Mad Masters
Top Individuals:
Perfect Points + Bonus:
  • Buffy
  • Larry
  • Lia
  • Whitney
  • Kim K.
  • Kim W.
  • Anna
  • Charise
  • Ty
  • Karen
  • Sonnet
  • Dr. Steve
  • Scott
  • Mitch
  • Steve A. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Speedy Gonzales

The Top 5 Fastest 5K Times are:
Devan Nilsson 21:54
Steve Avery 22:37
Taylor Hakes 24:30
Jenni Carlson 26:00
Dusty Atkinson 26:42
Nice work!  10 bonus points has been added to your Week 3 score.

Week 4: Team Challenge

Sprint & Sit
In order to run fast, you have to run faster.  If you want to improve that mile time for your FIT test in 3 weeks, then this is the week for you.  Speed work baby!  We're going back to the track. 
One of the most effective ways to increase your overall speed is to do HIIT, High Intensity Interval Training.  Seeing that we all CrossFit, we are no strangers to HIIT...think tabata.  Working really hard for a short period of time, with another short rest in between rounds. 
I know, I know what you're thinking. 
"Well, Miki....last time I checked you were no Usain Bolt or massive marathon runner,
so who do you think you are telling us what to do?  Where are you getting your information?"
This challenge has been a couple weeks in the making and I may or may not have had a little extra help and input on this challenge from someone who knows a whole lot about endurance, but who shall remain nameless.  So...if you were thinking of toilet papering my house this week after you've done this challenge, you may want to think again.  =]
Remember that 5K time from last week? 
That will be the time that is used to figure out your sprint speeds that you need to aim for.
So, here's the challenge and then the explanation:
Each member of your team will need to complete the following on 3 separate days, ideally not back to back to back.
6 400m semi-sprints (RUN)
1 min. of core work between each sprint = 5 min. total of core
12 200m sprints (RUN)
5 min. of core work when finished
8 100m rowing sprints (ROW)
8 100m rowing recovery in between the sprints
5 min. of core work when finished
On the days you are not doing speed work, you are just doing the 5 minutes of core work, for a total of 6 days of core work and 3 days of speed work. 
5 minute core
1 min. plank
1 min. sit-ups
1 min. scissor kicks
1 min. bicycle
1 min. plank
If you have not reported your scores for the week, I don't have your 5K time to figure out your running sprint times.  So, please get those to me ASAP.  If I don't get your 5K time or if you didn't run the 5K last week, that's okay, I'll just calculate your sprints based on Usain Bolt's times.  Kidding, kidding.  Email me if you have a problem. The rest of you will have your sprint times shortly.
Ideally, the running should be done at the track for full range of motion; however, if that is not an option for you, then I will accept sprints at CFSV. 
Sprinting should never be done on cold muscles...ever.  You should be at a light sweat from a warm-up before ever starting sprints.  If you are in a rush, please don't skimp on your warm-up as a means to get done faster.  You will get injured.  Roll-out, jumprope, stretch, then light jog.  You should be good to go. 
On the 6 400m, try to slightly increase your speed at each 100m increment (another reason why the track is great) so you are running your fastest the last 100m rather than running your slowest.  Try to get down into your core minute as fast as possible so you aren't taking 5 minutes of rest in between each round (unless you really need it).  Try to make the core your active recovery, jump back up and run again. 
On the 12 200m, you want the last 80m of each round to be an all-out sprint, then walk another 200m for recovery and you should be ready to run again.  When you are done with all 12, finish it off with the 5 minutes of core.
For the rowing 100m, just pull as hard and as fast as you can for 100m.  You can decide where you want to set your resistance.  Then you want to row the recovery 100m at an easier rate to get your heart rate back down so you are ready to sprint again.  When you are done with this, finish it off with the 5 minutes of core. 
You will need to time yourself, so make sure you have a watch or your phone handy.
If each member of your team completes all 3 of these workouts as well as the extra days of core work, each member of your team will receive an extra 25 points. 

Week 4: Individual Challenge

Optimize in 45
To earn your extra 25 points for the individual challenge this week, every time you workout you must refuel your body within 45 minutes.  That means, once your workout is over, the clock begins. 
Research shows that you have a 30-45 minute window where the enzymes and hormones in your muscles are at their peak to help in the process of replenishing and restoring all of the glycogen, or stored energy, your muscles just burned through during that last workout. 
If you miss this window, your muscles will be fatigued when you go to workout again.
With all the wods and exercise on this NutriFit challenge, your muscles cannot afford to be running on empty. 
So, what should you eat?  Protein, right?  Yes, but you actually need more carbohydrate than protein immediately following your workout.  Research shows the ideal ratio post workout is 3-4:1 (carbs:protein). You actually need to be taking in more carbohydrate than protein immediately following your workout.  Why?  Carbohydrate will help in replenishing the glycogen that is stored in your muscles and the protein will help in the repair and recovery of your muscle fibers.  Carbohydrate can be in the form of fruit or starch (cereal, oatmeal, bread, rice, etc) or milk/yogurt.  If you have more protein and not enough carbs, your muscles may be repaired, but they won't have any 'umph' for your next workout.
So, what is that ratio?  Here are some options:
1 cup skim or 1% chocolate milk
1/2 scoop whey protein + 1/2 cup OJ + 1/2 banana
1 scoop whey protein + 1 cup OJ + 1 banana
1 cup cooked oatmeal + 1 cup milk
1 cup cereal + 1 fruit + 1 cup milk
1 egg + 1 slice whole wheat toast + 1 fruit
1 English muffin + 2 Tbsp peanut butter
3 oz. lean meat + 1 cup brown rice + 1 cup cooked veggies + 1 small whole grain roll
Here is one of my favorite post-workout smoothies:
Chocolate PB Delight
1 scoop chocolate protein powder
2 Tbsp PB2
1/4 cup raw oatmeal
3/4 cup lowfat vanilla yogurt or Greek yogurt
1 banana (preferrably frozen)
1-2 cups spinach
Milk to your desired consistency
Add ice if the banana is not frozen
Blend and enjoy! 
(This typically makes 2 servings) later than 45 minutes post-workout! 
This challenge is all or nothing when it comes to earning your 25 points.