Open the Excel spreadsheet on your computer. Click on the tab at the bottom of the page that says "FIT Test Results & Measurements"
That will open this document. This is where you should have entered your information from Week 1, if you haven't done that, I sure hope you can find your paper and you will need to enter in all the information from that paper on both Week 1 and Week 6, marked with orange arrows. By doing that, the spreadsheet will automatically fill in the columns in the purple arrows like magic.
After you have entered all that information, click on the circle "Windows" button, or "File" if you are using an older version of Excel.
After you have re-named the file to include your own name, then you will need to email it back to me.
I'm sure you know how to do this, but I don't want there to be any confusion. Open your email (I use Outlook). Click to attach a file.
That should do it! If you have questions, let me know.