Wednesday, October 16, 2013

CF Multiply: Question of the Week

Question of the Week: Week 1

Why CrossFit?  How did you hear about it?  What made you join?  What keeps you coming back?  How do you get through a workout?
Yes, technically that's 5 questions.  Feel free to answer any or all.  Just click on the word "comment" at the bottom of this post.
I came across this article online, who can relate? 

As of this week, I am now into my third week of CrossFit. This is my first full week of regular classes after graduating the introductory On-Ramp classes. In my short time at CrossFit, I have noticed a definite trend in my emotions. I call it the Five Emotional Stages of CrossFit:

1. Fear and Dread:
This is how I feel when I read about the upcoming WOD on my box's facebook page  I often worry think about the WOD for up to eight hours before actually doing it. This is kind of absurd considering the WOD itself only lasts between 7-20 minutes. This is where I have to learn to fight my brain and push past the negative thoughts that tell me I'd rather go home and watch prime time television (or sleep in). Of course it is going to be hard. It is supposed to be hard. That is kind of the point.

2. Acceptance:
Once I arrive at The Box I instantly feel better. Everyone is very friendly and supportive. It is probably the least intimidating gym environment I have ever been in, as far as the other athletes personalities are concerned. There are more than enough people around willing to help build you up, to give you pointers and the confidence you need to get through it. I even start to get this false hope that it won't be that bad.

3. Pain & Suffering:
This is how I frequently feel during the WOD. I sometimes actually worry that I might die (or puke). At times I have seriously contemplated throwing down the barbell and running out the back door in tears to never return again (I would never actually do that). I feel pain. I am suffering. I am making faces that would scare small children (no one take my picture please). I am paying someone money to feel this kind of pain? What is wrong with me? I remind myself this is all making me stronger. I am doing this on purpose.

4. Total Elation:
Immediately following the 7-20 minutes of pure hell, I feel a top-of-the-world elation that is hard to describe. It is kind of like a runners high, but better. I may be laid out on the floor while I am feeling this, but even if I finished in very last place, I pretty much feel like a total bad-ass. These are probably some of the happiest minutes of my day.

5. Excitement:
This is the part when I go home and all I can talk about (to my poor hubby and anyone else who will pretend to listen) is CrossFit. I rehash every miserable minute with such enthusiasm, one might think I was crazy. Wait, I'm confused, it sucked? So why are you so happy? I am very excited at this point to face the next challenge. I imagine my future-self doing unassisted pull-ups, handstand push-ups, and back squatting my own body weight! I can't wait for the next class...until the next day's WOD is posted on their facebook page.

Then I repeat the cycle...

Sunday, October 13, 2013

CrossFit Multiply: Week 1: Individual Challenge:

You're individual challenge for this week has 2 parts.
Part 1: Keep a Daily Food Journal.
Studies show that keeping track of your food may help you lose up to 50 percent more weight than you would if you didn't record your daily diet.  For those of you who may or may not have weight to lose, journaling your meals can do more than just track your intake and output; it can help you discover hidden eating triggers, undo bad habits, and learn how to energize your body by eating and staying active.

You may use whatever method works best for you.  It can be as fancy as downloading an app on your phone to as simple as just writing it down with paper and pen.  Other options include keeping a daily note in your phone if that is most convenient or use your daily food tracker if you have a meal plan from me.  Any method counts.
The Details:
You must have 6 days of tracking your food, so please start tomorrow.  Whatever method you choose, I would like you to include three things:
1.  Time of Day
2.  Food Item
3.  Amount of Food Item
The amount can be measured or your best guess. 
If you complete 6 days of food records this week, then you may award yourself 15 points.  If you only do a couple of days, then you get 0 points...all or nothing.
Part 2:  Include protein each time you eat.
You want your blood sugar to stay stable. If your blood sugar stays stable, your body will use the carbohydrate to accelerate your fat burn.  If your blood sugar is like a roller coaster, all over the place, then you will more than likely store fat. There are a couple of things you can do to keep it stable. 
The first thing is a part of your daily points, eating every 3-4 hours (or earlier). 
The second thing is to include protein each time you eat. 

The blue line is what happens to your blood sugar when you either (1) go long periods of time without eating and/or (2) eat only carbohydrate without protein.  I call this blue line "roller coaster" blood sugar. 
What's the problem with roller coaster blood sugar?
When you eat just carbohydrate, whether it's starch or fruit or soda or treats, without protein, it causes a sharp rise in your blood sugar.  This signals the pancreas to release a large amount of insulin as a means to help your blood sugar return to a normal level.  Because of that large rush of insulin, your blood sugar can drop too fast causing you to be hungry again much faster. 
But what's even worse is that large rush of insulin actually helps your body store more fat.  Who wants that?!?  You have to stop the roller coaster blood sugar.  We just want that nice orange line of small peaks and valleys that happen consistently throughout the day.  When you include protein each time you eat, protein slows that rise in your blood sugar preventing that large rush of insulin and releasing a smaller amount over a longer period which will help you stay full longer and stop the rush for fat storage. 
So, while an apple is a healthy snack, it is only carbohydrate.  Instead of eating it alone, pair it with a protein:  a cheese stick, a small handful of nuts, a yogurt, or a couple tablespoons of peanut butter.
Other examples of protein include:
any kind of meat, chicken, turkey, or fish
protein powder
nuts or nut butter
cottage cheese
cheese (in moderation)
protein bar
To receive your 10 points for this individual challenge, starting tomorrow you will need to include a source of protein each time you eat.  Feel free to leave a comment on this post with some of your favorite snack combinations. Here are a few of mine:
berries & yogurt
carrots/celery/peppers & hummus
apple & peanut butter
tomatoes & cottage cheese

CrossFit Multiply: Week 1: Team Challenge

Before you read exactly what the team challenge will be for this week, I want to give you a little information regarding these challenges.  While you may look at these challenges and think, "That is going to take me FOREVER!"  The reality is, I have designed these challenges to take just an extra 10 minutes each day, give or take a couple.  These are not meant to take hours.  I want to show you how you can change your body by working out most days of the week, combined with just a little extra effort. 
I'm not one that accepts too many excuses, and I'm surely not going to accept an excuse that you don't have 10 minutes to do the extra work.  Sorry, not buying it.  =]  Having said that, you will see with these challenges there are some things you need to do at the box and other things you can do at home.  Maximize which ever movements you need to when the box is open and when it is closed. 
CrossFit Multiply wants each of you to be successful.  So, in addition to the normal WOD times where you can stay after for 10-15 minutes and work on your challenge, they will also be open at 10-11am on Saturdays for "Open Gym."  You will be able to work on whatever you feel you need to in order to complete your tasks for the week. 
Now...on to the challenge!
Row 10,000 Meters + 5 Minutes of Core Daily
Now for the details: 

2 member team:  10,000m
3 member team: 12,500m
You may break it up among your team however you would like but they need to be in at least 500m increments. It does not need to be done all at once or in one day,  but in order to receive 15 points for the week, it must be completed by Saturday at midnight.
In addition to the rowing, you will need to do 5-minutes of core daily for a combined total of 30 minutes of core for each person on your team. This is worth 10 points making the entire challenge worth a combined 25 points for the week.
You will set a timer and do each movement for 1 minute each: 
 Russian Twists
(use the weight from your FIT Test)
 Flutter Kicks
 Overhead Wall Ball Sit-Ups 20/14
(use the weight from your FIT Test Wall Balls)
I'm pretty sure everyone knows how to do sit-ups and Russian twists since you just completed them in your FIT Tests.  So, let me explain the last three movements. 
Flutter Kicks

 You can put your arms underneath the small of your lower back if you need that support. 
Like this:
Overhead Wall Ball Sit-Ups:
 And Plank:
If you need to drop to your knees, that's fine, just still keep your core tight.  If you do need to drop to your knees, just make sure you stay up longer the next day and the day after that.  Remember, progress, not perfection.

On the days that CFM is not open, you may adjust the core workout like this:

1 minute of each movement:
Flutter Kicks
Bicycle Crunch
Side Plank (each side 30 seconds), choose your level

Bicycle Crunch

Side Plank

Choose your level.

To summarize:
Rowing 10,000m = 15 points
Core 5 minutes daily (6 days) OR 30 minutes total per person = 10 points
TOTAL Challenge:  25 points
Q:  Can I do some of my partner's work for them?
A:  Yes.
Other questions?  Please post them in the comment section in case others have the same question.