This challenge has 2 parts:
1. You will need to create a weekly menu where you plan your meals and snacks for the week and then grocery shop from this plan. You don't HAVE to eat exactly what you have planned for that specific day, if you want to eat Wednesday's dinner on Monday, that's just fine. The point is to have all your food readily accessible. If you normally do not plan the food in your house, you will need to play an active role in doing so this week in order to earn your points.
Part 1 of this challenge is worth 10 points.
2. No dining out. Period.
Use that insulated lunch bag or small cooler to make sure you are prepared for your day.
Use that insulated lunch bag or small cooler to make sure you are prepared for your day.
Part 2 of this challenge is worth 10 points.
Total points possible for this individual challenge is 20 points.
It begins Monday and goes through Saturday.
It begins Monday and goes through Saturday.
If you have any questions, leave them in the comments section and I will reply.