Friday, February 15, 2013

Week 7: Individual Challenge


This challenge has 2 parts:
1.  You will need to create a weekly menu where you plan your meals and snacks for the week and then grocery shop from this plan.  You don't HAVE to eat exactly what you have planned for that specific day, if you want to eat Wednesday's dinner on Monday, that's just fine.  The point is to have all your food readily accessible.  If you normally do not plan the food in your house, you will need to play an active role in doing so this week in order to earn your points. 
Part 1 of this challenge is worth 10 points. 

2.  No dining out.  Period. 
Use that insulated lunch bag or small cooler to make sure you are prepared for your day.
Part 2 of this challenge is worth 10 points. 
Total points possible for this individual challenge is 20 points. 
It begins Monday and goes through Saturday.
If you have any questions, leave them in the comments section and I will reply.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Halfway Results

As a collective group, you have lost

134.5 pounds

141.5 inches

101% body fat
You have also

gained 74" of muscle!
Keep up the great work!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Half-Way Day

Funny Confession Ecard: I don't have problems with coffee. You, on the other hand, might have problems with me if i don't have my coffee.
Anyone feeling this way this week?
Funny Encouragement Ecard: I'm going to quit drinking Diet Coke. That is, after someone figures out how to feed it to me through an I.V. so I don't get caffeine headaches when I try to quit.
Funny Confession Ecard: I realize there are better things in this world than beer... but beer makes up for the fact that I don't have any of those things...

 Come on people, give it all you've got!!

Week 6: Question of the Week

How is your team supporting each other and what is your contribution?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week 5: Top Teams

Mean Girls
Beauties & the Beast
The Lunachicks
Barbell Bouncers
Fight Gone Five
Don't be discouraged if your team hasn't made this top 5 list yet.  Do your best as an individual!

Week 6: Individual Challenge

You asked for knew it was's HERE!!
I'm not here to say that coffee is bad and Diet Coke will kill you.  I truly don't believe in conspiracy theories or scare tactics.  Having said that, I do think it is unhealthy to be dependent upon something.  If you literally cannot function without a particular beverage, that's where the problem lies. 
Jonathan can attest to the fact that I enjoy a Diet Coke every now and again (what?!?  gasp!), preferrably with a squirt of vanilla flavoring.  But I don't HAVE to have it.  It's an "every once in a while"-type thing for me.  I don't have it in my fridge.  I don't buy it at the store. 
If you can't get through the day without having a beer, a glass of wine, five cups of coffee, a Rockstar, a liter of Diet Coke...that is where the problem is.  You may be thinking, "But diet sodas don't have any calories!"  True.  But that doesn't mean it won't affect your body.  More often than not, when I have clients go off of the thing they are simply addicted to, whether it adds more calories or not, great things start to happen to their body. 
So, here's the challenge. 
NO soda (regular or diet), NO sweetened drinks (like lemonade, vitamin water, sobe, crystal light, etc), NO energy drinks, NO coffee, and NO alcohol. 
Now, if you know me, you know I'm all about doing something that you can maintain, not anything drastic which will eventually cause the pendulum to swing back the other way and have you drinking a 2-liter on a daily basis.  So...
You may count a 12-ounce can of soda, other sweetened beverage, beer or a 4 ounce glass of wine, or a cup of coffee as 1 TREAT for the week.  Choose wisely.  In order to get the 10 points for this challenge, you can't have more than 3 for the week.
If you have a hard time just drinking water, try adding lemon, lime, orange, or even strawberry slices to give a little zip without sugar, sugar substitute, or calories. 
If you can complete this challenge, you will earn your 10 points for the week.
Happy Hydrating!

Week 6: Team Challenge

You may divide the weight among your team members however you would like.
You may use whatever weight you would like.
You may use whatever movement you would like.
Options include:
Clean & Jerk
Clean & Push Press
Clean & Press
Deadlift, Hang Clean, & Jerk (or press, or push press)
Let's say my team decides to divide the weight evenly, so I am responsible for moving 7500 pounds from the ground to overhead. 
I really need to work on my snatches, so I decide to do 50 reps at 45 lbs = 2250 lbs (5250lbs left)
I want to work on a heavier clean & jerk so I do 10 reps at 95 lbs x 3 days = 2850 lbs (2400 lbs left)
Mid-week, my shoulders are feeling fatigued, so I choose to do clean & press at
35 lbs x 30 reps = 1050 lbs (1350lbs left)
Finally, I finish with 15 snatches and 15 clean & push press at 45 lbs = 1350 lbs. 
You may choose as light or as heavy weight as you would like.  It may be helpful to use this time to work on movements that need improvement and doing so with lighter weight until you feel you have the correct form to add more weight. 
Or, you can use heavy weight and bang them out as fast as possible; however, please be smart with your body in order to prevent any injuries.
You may not count any strength movements done during a wod this week towards this challenge.  These movements must be done IN ADDITION to your daily workouts/strength exercises.  You have until Saturday to complete this challenge (or pay one of your other team members to do your part...kidding, kidding) and then you will earn an extra 10 points.
22,500 pounds
37,500 pounds

Week 6: TEAM WOD


Planking Winner Is...

When Buffy sent in her picture, she only had 5 words in the email:
"Go big or go home!" 
Looks like it paid off!  Congrats Buffy!  You may add 5 extra points to your Week 6 Total.