Push, Pull, Plank & Row
(Say that 10 times fast)
3-Person Team
300 push-ups
150 chest-to-bar
300 pull-ups
150 handstand push-ups
30 minutes of plank
30,000m rowing
4-Person Team
400 push-ups
200 chest-to-bar
400 pull-ups
200 handstand push-ups
40 minutes of plank
40,000m rowing
5-Person Team
500 push-ups
250 chest-to-bar
500 pull-ups
250 handstand push-ups
50 minutes of plank
50,000m rowing
Now for the details...
You may divide these up however you would like;
ideally it would be divided up equally among team members.
Push-Ups: You can do these at the gym or at home, so please make sure you really work on FIT Test form. Straight body, chest to floor, no worming or help with legs. Considering you have an entire week to accomplish 100 push-ups, I want you to really concentrate on your form...quality over quantity.
Chest-to-Bar: Take your typical way of doing pull-ups, and make it 1 step easier.
For example, if you typically use a gray band, then do these jumping.
If you typically use a red band, then go to a blue band. (Is that the next one?)
If you can Rx pull-ups, then use a red band.
If you can already Rx chest-to-bar, then work at pulling yourself even higher (think navel to bar).
Really work on pulling hard and make sure that your chest (nipple line) hits the bar with each rep.
Pull-Ups: Take your typical way of doing pull-ups (jumping, band, etc) and make it 1 step harder.
For example, if you typically do jumping pull-ups, go to a gray band.
If you typically use a red band, do them with no band...even if your chin doesn't quite go over the bar.
If you can already Rx your pull-ups, then work on how many you can string together and don't stop until you hit that number each time.
Handstand Push-Ups: You may use a box or mats against the wall if needed.
Plank: Any kind of plank for any increments of time you would like.
Row: Must do at least 1000m each time you row to count towards your total meters.
You are welcome to do more, but it won't count if you do any less.
If your team completes the required amount, you will each receive 25 points for this week.
Who's got what it takes to win this challenge?