Sunday, October 13, 2013

CrossFit Multiply: Week 1: Team Challenge

Before you read exactly what the team challenge will be for this week, I want to give you a little information regarding these challenges.  While you may look at these challenges and think, "That is going to take me FOREVER!"  The reality is, I have designed these challenges to take just an extra 10 minutes each day, give or take a couple.  These are not meant to take hours.  I want to show you how you can change your body by working out most days of the week, combined with just a little extra effort. 
I'm not one that accepts too many excuses, and I'm surely not going to accept an excuse that you don't have 10 minutes to do the extra work.  Sorry, not buying it.  =]  Having said that, you will see with these challenges there are some things you need to do at the box and other things you can do at home.  Maximize which ever movements you need to when the box is open and when it is closed. 
CrossFit Multiply wants each of you to be successful.  So, in addition to the normal WOD times where you can stay after for 10-15 minutes and work on your challenge, they will also be open at 10-11am on Saturdays for "Open Gym."  You will be able to work on whatever you feel you need to in order to complete your tasks for the week. 
Now...on to the challenge!
Row 10,000 Meters + 5 Minutes of Core Daily
Now for the details: 

2 member team:  10,000m
3 member team: 12,500m
You may break it up among your team however you would like but they need to be in at least 500m increments. It does not need to be done all at once or in one day,  but in order to receive 15 points for the week, it must be completed by Saturday at midnight.
In addition to the rowing, you will need to do 5-minutes of core daily for a combined total of 30 minutes of core for each person on your team. This is worth 10 points making the entire challenge worth a combined 25 points for the week.
You will set a timer and do each movement for 1 minute each: 
 Russian Twists
(use the weight from your FIT Test)
 Flutter Kicks
 Overhead Wall Ball Sit-Ups 20/14
(use the weight from your FIT Test Wall Balls)
I'm pretty sure everyone knows how to do sit-ups and Russian twists since you just completed them in your FIT Tests.  So, let me explain the last three movements. 
Flutter Kicks

 You can put your arms underneath the small of your lower back if you need that support. 
Like this:
Overhead Wall Ball Sit-Ups:
 And Plank:
If you need to drop to your knees, that's fine, just still keep your core tight.  If you do need to drop to your knees, just make sure you stay up longer the next day and the day after that.  Remember, progress, not perfection.

On the days that CFM is not open, you may adjust the core workout like this:

1 minute of each movement:
Flutter Kicks
Bicycle Crunch
Side Plank (each side 30 seconds), choose your level

Bicycle Crunch

Side Plank

Choose your level.

To summarize:
Rowing 10,000m = 15 points
Core 5 minutes daily (6 days) OR 30 minutes total per person = 10 points
TOTAL Challenge:  25 points
Q:  Can I do some of my partner's work for them?
A:  Yes.
Other questions?  Please post them in the comment section in case others have the same question. 



NutriFit Participants: If you don't have an account with any of the forms listed, please click on "Name/URL" and add your name there.