Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week 6: Individual Challenge

You asked for knew it was's HERE!!
I'm not here to say that coffee is bad and Diet Coke will kill you.  I truly don't believe in conspiracy theories or scare tactics.  Having said that, I do think it is unhealthy to be dependent upon something.  If you literally cannot function without a particular beverage, that's where the problem lies. 
Jonathan can attest to the fact that I enjoy a Diet Coke every now and again (what?!?  gasp!), preferrably with a squirt of vanilla flavoring.  But I don't HAVE to have it.  It's an "every once in a while"-type thing for me.  I don't have it in my fridge.  I don't buy it at the store. 
If you can't get through the day without having a beer, a glass of wine, five cups of coffee, a Rockstar, a liter of Diet Coke...that is where the problem is.  You may be thinking, "But diet sodas don't have any calories!"  True.  But that doesn't mean it won't affect your body.  More often than not, when I have clients go off of the thing they are simply addicted to, whether it adds more calories or not, great things start to happen to their body. 
So, here's the challenge. 
NO soda (regular or diet), NO sweetened drinks (like lemonade, vitamin water, sobe, crystal light, etc), NO energy drinks, NO coffee, and NO alcohol. 
Now, if you know me, you know I'm all about doing something that you can maintain, not anything drastic which will eventually cause the pendulum to swing back the other way and have you drinking a 2-liter on a daily basis.  So...
You may count a 12-ounce can of soda, other sweetened beverage, beer or a 4 ounce glass of wine, or a cup of coffee as 1 TREAT for the week.  Choose wisely.  In order to get the 10 points for this challenge, you can't have more than 3 for the week.
If you have a hard time just drinking water, try adding lemon, lime, orange, or even strawberry slices to give a little zip without sugar, sugar substitute, or calories. 
If you can complete this challenge, you will earn your 10 points for the week.
Happy Hydrating!


  1. There might be ALOT of cranky CrossFitters this week!! :)

    1. What a perfect way to work off that crankiness...lifting heavy weight! :)

  2. .So why do you get 12 ounces of soda but only 4 ounces of wine ;)

  3. So Ms. Dietitian. What about those people with ADD that actually calm down with caffeine? Substitution would be?

  4. Also...I thought the treat limit was less than 3 which would be 2? Did I get this wrong or does someone owe me a bunch of treats!

    1. Yes Laura, the limit is 2 treats to earn your full 10 points for the "treats." However, you can have 3 and still earn the 10 points for this challenge which would give you 7 points for the treats. If you have 4 drinks (which I know you won't), then it would be 0 points for this challenge and 5 points for the treats.

      Make sense? Clear as mud?

  5. I am not a big soda drinker and I don't drink coffee. What I do love is a mug of Perro in the evenings. That is what I'll struggle with on this challenge


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