Saturday, March 9, 2013

FINAL WEEK: Individual Challenge

Here are all of the individual challenges in order from Week 1 to Week 9
(excluding Week 5's Mash-Up)
Here's how this challenge is going to work:
If you have no more than 1 miss per challenge over the course of the week,
you will earn 5 points per challenge for a grand total of 40 points possible since there are 8 different challenges happening at the same time.
If you have 2-3 misses per challenge over the course of the week,
you will earn 2 points per challenge.
If you have > 3 misses per challenge over the course of the week,
you will earn 0 points for that particular challenge.
If you have questions on a particular challenge, you may follow the link back to the original information given as a refresher.  Having said that, let me highlight a couple items:
Yes, you can count having a glass of wine (4 oz) or a diet Coke (12 oz) as one of your treats for the week without it counting towards a "miss," just like we did for that weekly challenge.  However, because this is the "Grand Mash-Up," we also have to take into account the No Starch After Lunch challenge.  Beer has starch.  Wine, coffee, and diet soda do not.   
You can have 2 treats per week before you lose points.  If you wanted to spend both those treats on "drinks" AND  your 1 miss for that challenge then yes, technially you could still have 3 drinks and still receive full points for the week for that particular challenge. 
You may dine out once without losing any points.
You may have starch after lunch once without losing any points (could be beer).
You may get 6 hours of sleep one night without losing any points. 
Make sense?
Let's to through an example to make sure:
Here is a rundown of Buff Betty's week:
  • Kept a daily food record (5 points)
  • Forgot 1 time to have protein with a snack (5 points)
  • Re-fueled within 45 minutes every time she did a workout (5 points)
  • Got 5 hours of sleep 2 nights, 7 hours the rest (2 points)
  • Had coffee every day (0 points)
  • Went out to eat 3 times (2 points)
  • Used the Intuitive Hunger Scale, but one time she ate until she was a 9 on that scale (5 points)
  • Had starch after lunch 2 times (2 points)
Buff Betty's GRAND WEEKLY TOTAL:  26 points/40 points possible

 If you are able to get through the week with only 1 miss per challenge for the entire week earning yourself the full 40 points, will be rewarded with a bonus of 10 extra points for a GRAND TOTAL of 50 points possible!
I would say "Good Luck" but luck isn't going to have anything to do with this...
just a lot of hard work, planning & preparing, determination,
and perhaps a smidge of that sweet CrossFit competitive spirit!
Whatever questions or scenarios you come up with, please leave a comment and I will answer. 


  1. Bless you, my child, for showing a little mercy! :) I'm when Jenni...bring it!

  2. Delaney DangerfieldMarch 9, 2013 at 11:06 AM

    Saw this coming from week 1... Bring it Miki!!

  3. One quick question...does the same rule apply when using the hunger scale that if we are not hungry every 3-4 hrs we don't need to eat until we are at a 3 or 4?


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