Sunday, March 3, 2013

Week 9: Group Challenge

Sit, Twist, Plank, & Run

(Totally pretending this is what 126th South is like)
Each individual on your team needs to do the following:
10 min. of wall-sit, at least 2 min. needs to be on 1 leg
3 Russian twist tabatas 35/25
200 weighted sit-ups, weight on chest 35/25 (plate or kb)
15 min. of plank, anyway you want
Run a 5K

Complete this by Saturday and you will receive 10 points.
Because a majority of these can be done away from the gym, each member of your team is equally responsible for completing their part.  IF, for some reason, a participant cannot complete their portion, the team can complete it for that person. 
Q:  Do I have to run the 5K?
A:  You may run or run/walk it, but all 5K need to be done at one time.  You cannot break it up into increments.  If I were you, I'd try to do it a swimsuit!
A final note, if I were you, I'd tie a string on my finger to remind me to check the blog first thing Wednesday morning. 
If you have questions, please post them in the comments and I will answer them (unless it's about Wednesday).


  1. Love the 5K...but not as much as Steve Avery who does one twice a least ;). Knew this was coming! Feels like you're taking it easy on us Miki!

    1. LOL! It was like Christmas in March. ;)

    2. Although I was hoping for something like 'each team needs to run 20 miles for the week'. :)

  2. Is the treadmill an option, if we incline it 2.5%?

  3. Can I get extra points if I post a picture of me doing the 5k on the beach? ;)

  4. I'm actually excited. Thanks for the extra burn. Iron Man, you can lap me twice.

  5. I already finished my 5k. (:

  6. Is there any incentive to run it fast??

  7. There are a group of us meeting Tuesday, March 5 at 1pm at the Lake at Daybreak to run the 5k. The weather should be nice. Meet in the parking lot at Soda Row and happy running.

  8. mayaa dawnn dangerfielddMarch 5, 2013 at 6:38 AM

    finally an easy one! i only have a couple more things to do!

  9. 5 min of plank left. I will finish that up before the 5k run :0)


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