Sunday, October 20, 2013

CrossFit Multiply: Week 2: Individual Challenge

Like last week, this week's individual challenge has 2 parts.

Part 1:  Optimize in 45
To earn an extra 15 points for this part of the individual challenge this week, every time you workout you must refuel your body within 45 minutes.  That means, once your workout is over, the clock begins. 
Research shows that you have a 30-45 minute window where the enzymes and hormones in your muscles are at their peak to help in the process of replenishing and restoring all of the glycogen, or stored energy, your muscles just burned through during that last workout. 
If you miss this window, your muscles will be fatigued when you go to workout again.
With all the wods and exercise on this NutriFit challenge, your muscles cannot afford to be running on empty. 
So, what should you eat?  Protein, right?  Yes, but you actually need more carbohydrate than protein immediately following your workout.  Research shows the ideal ratio post workout is 3-4:1 (carbs:protein). You actually need to be taking in more carbohydrate than protein immediately following your workout.  Why?  Carbohydrate will help in replenishing the glycogen that is stored in your muscles and the protein will help in the repair and recovery of your muscle fibers.  Carbohydrate can be in the form of fruit or starch (cereal, oatmeal, bread, rice, etc) or milk/yogurt.  If you have more protein and not enough carbs, your muscles may be repaired, but they won't have any 'umph' for your next workout.  
So, what is that ratio?  Here are some options:
1 cup skim or 1% chocolate milk
1/2 scoop whey protein + 1/2 cup OJ + 1/2 banana
1 scoop whey protein + 1 cup OJ + 1 banana
1 cup cooked oatmeal + 1 cup milk
1 cup cereal + 1 fruit + 1 cup milk
1 egg + 1 slice whole wheat toast + 1 fruit
1 English muffin + 2 Tbsp peanut butter
3 oz. lean meat + 1 cup brown rice + 1 cup cooked veggies + 1 small whole grain roll
Here is one of my favorite post-workout smoothies:
Chocolate PB Delight
1 scoop chocolate protein powder
2 Tbsp PB2 (sell at Harmon's & Walmart)
1/4 cup raw oatmeal
3/4 cup lowfat vanilla yogurt or Greek yogurt
1 banana (preferrably frozen)
1-2 cups spinach
Milk to your desired consistency
Add ice if the banana is not frozen
Blend and enjoy! 
(This typically makes 2 servings) later than 45 minutes post-workout!
If you complete this challenge every time you workout, then you will earn 15 points.  

Part 2:  

Get at least 7 hours of sleep every night

Elephants only need 3-4 hours of sleep at night, while mice sleep 14 hours.  Humans are somewhere in the middle, but research shows if you are averaging 6 hours of sleep or less, you will have a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes and may be more likely to eat more...and gain more weight. 
Why would people who sleep less weigh more?  It kind of seems counterintuitive.   You would think those who sleep less would burn more calories since they are awake longer; however, it seems to be more linked with what happens to your body when you deprive it of sleep as opposed to the physical activity you get. 
What happens involves two hormones:  Leptin, which is released by fat cells, signals the brain to stopeating.  Ghrelin, (prounounced GRELL-in), which is made in the stomach, is a signal to keep eating. These two hormones influence whether you go for a second helping or push yourself away from the table. 
When you are sleep-deprived, your body has lower levels of leptin and higher levels of ghrelin.  To make matters worse, when you don't get enough sleep, you typically crave and are more likely to reach for sugary or starchy items to give you quick energy and keep you awake, things like: chips, candy, bread, ice cream, and cereal.  Compounding the problem, the brain interprets a drop in leptin as a sign of starvation.  So it responds by not only boosting hunger, but also by burning fewer calories. This means you will put on more weight even if you don't eat more food!
Have I made my case?  Ideally I would like you to get 8 hours of sleep each night, but to award yourself an extra 10 points at the end of the week, you need to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night this week.  I would imagine with all the intense activity you are getting in on this challenge, sleeping should be easy because your bodies are exhausted. 

Note:  If you are under 18 years of age, you need to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night.  
Q:  But what if my kids wake me up in the middle of the night?
A:    Make sure you are going to bed at a decent hour and if you are awakened before you want to be, do your best to get back to sleep as soon as possible. It's more about the time you go to bed and the time you wake up.
Q:  But what if all this blasted water I am drinking 
makes me wake up multiple times at night?
A:  Do your best to try to get your water in earlier in the day so you aren't downing your last 32 ounces an hour before bed.  If you are waking up, try to just do your business and get back to bed as soon as possible.  Again, the challenge will be based on the time you go to bed and the time you wake up.  Hopefully you will be able to sleep through the middle, but if not, then at least you made the effort to do your part.
Sweet Dreams!

So, in summary: 
Optimize in 45 minutes every time you workout:  15 points
Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night:  10 points

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments, and I will respond.  
Thank you!

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