Sunday, October 20, 2013

CrossFit Multiply: Week 2: Group Challenge

Step, Swing & Plank

1000 Step-Ups  & 300 KB Swings & 24 minutes of plank

The Details:
In order to earn your extra 25 TEAM CHALLENGE points this week, you will have until Saturday to complete the following as a team:
Men will use the 24/30" boxes and women will use the 20/24".
Men will use 35/53 lb kettlebells.
Women will use 25/35 lb kettlebells.  

2-Person Team

500  20/24 Box Step-Ups
  500   24/30 Box Step-Ups
150 KB Swings 25/35
150 KB Swings 35/53
24 minutes of plank (or 2 minutes/person/day)

3-Person Team

750 24/30 Box Step-Ups
225 KB Swings 35 lb
225 KB Swings at 53 lb
36 minutes of plank (or 2 minutes/person/day)
You can break up plank however you would like.  You can do it all at once, you can do 1 minute holds 3 times, you can do it in 20 second increments, you can do it for 30 seconds each time you eat throughout the day, etc.  Whatever YOU need to work on to improve and strengthen your core, that's what you should do.  Just remember to make sure you have good form  while you are doing it.  It does no good to practice 3 minutes of plank with teepee bum in the air. 

Q:  Does everyone have to do all the kettlebell swings or can we have our strongest member do all reps for the heavier weight?
A:  For this challenge, the kettlebell swings should be divided up equally among team members and each team member must do both weight levels.  A team member can do more step-ups than another if need be; however, each member must do the 2 minutes of plank daily. 
Q:  Do we choose which height of box to do the step-ups or do we have to complete all of them at all of the two different heights?

A:  The latter.  Your team must complete all of the step-ups at both heights.


Q:  Can the kettlebell swings be Russian or do they have to go overhead?

A:  Ideally, they should all go over your head, head through the window.  Having said that, I realize that 45/53 may be a weight that you NEVER attempt.  If that's the case, you may do Russian kettlebell swings on the heavy weight with the goal of working up to a full swing.

Other questions?

3, 2, 1...Go!


  1. For the female two person team, according to the above answer, we are each to do 250 step ups at 20 and then 250 step ups at 24 inch to equal 500? And then each do 112.5 kettle bells at 25 and 112.5 at 35? OR is it simply each do 500 step ups at the height of 20 or 24, which ever is doable for that person? And then 250 kettle bell swings at either 25 or 35, whichever is appropriate for the individual?

    1. Good Question. Yes to your first question. You are supposed to do 1000 step ups total, 500 at each step height, so divide by two people and you each do 250. If one person wants to do more than another, that's okay.

      The next question: You each do 150 kettlebell swings total:75 at the heavier weight and 75 at the lighter weight making 300 kb swings total between the two of you.

      Does that make sense?


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